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العلاج النفسي، توجيه الوالديين، مواكبة الفترة المحيطة بالولادة،
علم النفس العصبي، تقوييم النطق، العلاج الحسي الحركي

Psychotherapy, Parenthood, Perinatal care, Neuropsychology, Speech therapy, Psychomotor skills

​The Grandir Center, founded in 2018, has the mission of supporting the development and fulfillment of those who consult us. ​ We offer a safe, calm and warm space where kindness, listening, ethics and respect reign. ​ Our team of qualified professionals (psychologists, neuropsychologists, speech therapist, psychomotor therapist) provides multidisciplinary monitoring allowing more effective care for optimal well-being. ​ محترف متعدد التخصصات للرعاية الفعالة والعلاج الصحية.

Choisissez de vous épanouir dès maintenant!


Bureaux Mohammed, #15
Boulevard Mohammed VI
Hay Badr, Fès

0532.02.19.27 / 0658.61.91.25

Du lundi au samedi
de 10h à 18h

© Centre Grandir, 2021

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