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“The Grandir Center is a team of smiling, dynamic young women who put their skills at the service of the psychological well-being of young people. They welcome us into a comfortable and pleasant office with great human, ethical and professional qualities. A remarkable, precious and rare seriousness. » C.B. and S.B.
“Hello ma'am, In my opinion you taught me to breathe correctly and that helped me during childbirth and subsequently in daily life. THANKS. » K.B.L.
“Parenthood is a stage of life that is so much better experienced when we are accompanied, heard and supported. Thank you for the Faber and Mazlish workshop which taught me to communicate better with members of my family and thank you for these individual sessions which allowed me to deepen the work of knowing myself and to begin a to let go, thus helping me to be more fulfilled as a person and particularly in my role as a wife and mother. I believe that everyone should have the chance to reconnect with themselves, with what makes them tick, and the work undertaken with Doctor Geneviève allowed me to compartmentalize different episodes of my life to make these experiences a strength. anchored in the present and turned more serenely towards the future. " Anonymous
You really helped me understand my health condition related to Burnout. Your omega 3 recommendations also helped me begin to treat the deficiency I didn't know I had. Don't forget your recommendation to Dre X! Thank you ❤❤ H.O.
“This little cocoon brings me the comfort and understanding I needed. If you are looking for a peaceful lifestyle that is in line with your values... go for it... Well-being has never been so central to our's time to discover what drives you, what saddens you, what hurts you horribly...and subsequently, the tools necessary to face the worries of life. Personally, my anxieties literally gnawed at me for 2 decades. I am in the construction phase and I sincerely believe that I am in good hands. " Anonymous
“I was going through a bad period in my life, I was on the verge of depression and consulting at your center helped me a lot. I was able to get through it quickly thanks to your help. » L.B.
“The Grandir Center has been a huge blessing in my life. The parenting workshops I attended really allowed me to improve my relationship with my children. I was having a lot of difficulties, especially with my second son who was 4 years old at the time. The workshops, as well as consultations with Geneviève, helped me unblock the situation. Honestly, I left the Paris region four years ago and I had never met such a competent and empathetic psychologist in Paris. Geneviève is a competent and human psychologist. It’s a chance for the city of Fez to have it. For my part, it reassures me a lot to know that in the event of a difficult situation I can call on the Center Grandir to be heard and supported. » Siyouna D.
“I have suffered a lot of trauma during my life. Before my therapy, I slept poorly, I had a lot of nightmares, I always felt in danger and I only had negative ideas about myself and others. Thanks to EMDR and therapy sessions, I sleep much better, I was able to relieve my suffering, I learned several techniques to manage my stress and my emotions, but the most important is that for the first time in my life I feel good, listened to, seen safe and able to do lots of things. I thank God for putting Dr. Geneviève in my path. » I.S.
“I wanted to tell you that my box in your office was filled only two nights following your intervention. I don't wake up anymore as far as my ex-doctor is concerned. I wrote down on paper as you told me all the events that popped into my head and presto! disappeared as if nothing was there. The thing with color, I did it once to relax and it's great. The other exercise with the sound of difference frequencies, I fell asleep. I still have to practice the breathing exercise. A huge THANK YOU!!! » Viviane
“Moroccan, then Quebecois then immigrant in another country, educated, qualified woman, who was tormented by the vagaries of life. Wife and mother, I can say that I was caught in a darkness of my helplessness in the face of the difficulty I face. I can say I was down. Now, I feel more able to get back up, to relearn how to be me, but stronger, and finally, happy. » A.B.
“I discovered the center growing almost 2 years ago. I was welcomed and listened to without judgment. The exercises allowed me to put things into perspective, to understand myself and above all to love and forgive myself. Geneviève allowed me to accept certain unfortunate events in my life with more compassion and gratitude. Today, I feel serene about my past, resilient about my present and optimistic for tomorrow. » A.D.
“Following a recommendation, I had a wonderful meeting with Geneviève Lepage, who is an exceptional psychologist. She is a person before being a professional, empathetic, attentive, and caring. What I appreciate most about her, unlike other professionals, is that she is open to discussion and gives very effective and very beneficial advice and exercises. We don't feel lost with her, on the contrary we feel guided and above all not alone! This is the first time that I have felt so well cared for, guided and at peace. I feel like I'm finally living again! After wandering for several years and after consulting several professionals, only Geneviève was able to get me out of my discomfort and my wandering; it's a shame that I didn't know her before. This is a person who helps you grow slowly and deeply. I can never thank her enough. I warmly recommend it, with my eyes closed. » Z.S.
“Life is beautiful but also so difficult. Obstacles when we are young shape us, but pitfalls as we get older exhaust us. Sometimes they deepen the scratches of our experience and do not heal. So alone, after a while we can't do it, we can't do it anymore. The advice of loved ones is not what we want to hear. I heard about the Growing Center. From Geneviève in particular. I wanted to see it for my daughter. But actually, I was the one who went to therapy. My first consultation resulted in 8 months of therapy. 22 sessions that saved a marriage, resolved my daughter's concerns by resolving my past pain. This EMDR technique, as far as I am concerned, allowed me to accept these obstacles and pitfalls. Today, thanks to Geneviève, my deep scratches have healed. I feel reset, or rather recharged! So where the fact of “consulting”, “going to see someone” is taboo, I have no shame in saying that I asked for help to get better. Because alone or with my loved ones I could no longer do it. I could no longer find peace. Today, thanks to this technique and my therapy, I am doing well, so well. I wish it for you. If something upsets you, contact Geneviève and her colleagues. I am convinced that they will be able to help you. I was finally able to find someone who listened and who knew how to guide me and help me find peace. I invite you to enjoy this life which can become simpler and happier. » V.F.
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